
Do you have knowledge of Kubernetes and DevOps, and available GPU resources, but find it challenging to manage these resources? If so, you can install and manage VESSL directly on your resources. By using scripts provided by VESSL AI, you can register clusters and utilize VESSL’s powerful MLOps features on your computing resources.

Before you begin

Ensure you have the following prerequisites. This guide provides generic instructions for Linux distributions based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Step-by-step Guide

Install GPU-relative Components

If your nodes have NVIDIA GPUs, you need to install the following programs on all GPU nodes that you want to connect to the cluster. If a node does not have a GPU, you can skip this process.


NVIDIA Graphics Driver

Follow this document to install the latest version of the NVIDIA graphics driver on your node.


NVIDIA Container Runtime

Follow this document to install the latest version of the nvidia-container-runtime on your node.



sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Setup Control Plane Node


Download bootstrap script

First, download the script on the node you want to use to manage your cluster (referred to as the control plane in Kubernetes).

curl -sSLf >
chmod +x

This script includes everything needed to install k0s and its dependencies for setting up an on-premise cluster. If you are familiar with k0s and bash scripts, you can modify the script to suit your desired configuration.


Execute bootstrap script

To designate this node as the control plane and proceed with the Kubernetes cluster installation, run the following command:

./ --role=controller

Copy and paste token

After completing the installation, you will receive a token similar to the one shown in the screenshot. Copy and save this token.

Advanced: Taint Control Plane Node

By default, VESSL’s workloads are also deployed on the control plane. However, if you do not need to allocate Machine Learning workloads to the control plane node due to resource constraints or for ease of management, you can prevent workload allocation by using the following command during installation:

./ --role=controller --taint-controller

Advanced: Select a Specific Kubernetes version

./ --role=controller --k0s-version=v1.30.1+k0s.0
It is recommended not to downgrade to a Kubernetes version earlier than 1.24 unless you are well-informed about the implications.

There are additional script options available. Use the —help option to see all configurable parameters.

./ --help

Verify Control Plane Setup

To verify that the installation was successful and that the pods are running correctly, enter the following commands:


Check Node Configuration

It may take some time for the nodes and pods to be properly deployed. After a short wait, check the node configuration by entering:

sudo k0s kubectl get nodes

Check Pod Status

To check the status of all pods across all namespaces, use the following command:

sudo k0s kubectl get pods -A

These commands will help you ensure that the nodes and pods are correctly configured and running as expected.

Setup Worker Node

After completing the Control Plane setup, you can configure the worker nodes using the command issued during the Control Plane setup. Execute the following command on the worker node you want to connect:

curl -sSLf | sudo bash -s -- --role=worker --token="[TOKEN_FROM_CONTROLLER_HERE]"

Replace [TOKEN_FROM_CONTROLLER_HERE] with the actual token you received from the Control Plane setup.

Create VESSL Cluster

The VESSL cluster setup is performed on the Control Plane node.



If the VESSL CLI is not already installed, use the following command to install it:

pip install vessl --upgrade

Configure VESSL CLI

After installation, configure the VESSL CLI:

vessl configure

Create a New VESSL Cluster

Once the VESSL CLI is configured, create a new VESSL Cluster with the following command:

vessl cluster create

Follow the prompts to configure your cluster options. You can press Enter to use the default values. If cluster is created, you will see a success message.

Confirm VESSL Cluster integration

To verify that the VESSL Cluster is properly integrated with your organization, run the following command:

vessl cluster list

Additionally, you can check the status of the integrated cluster by navigating to the Web UI. Go to the Organization tab and then select the Cluster tab. You should see the current status of the connected cluster displayed.


Some features of VESSL are not available or guaranteed to work on your on-premise cluster. The following functionalities have limitations:


  1. Custom Resource Specs in YAML
    • You cannot set custom resource specifications directly using YAML.
    • For example, setting CPU, GPU, or memory directly in YAML is not supported.
    • To use YAML for your VESSL Run, you must create a Resource Spec for your on-premise cluster.

VESSL Service

  1. Provisioned Mode
    • You cannot create a VESSL Service in Provisioned mode on your on-premise cluster.

Frequently Asked questions

How can VESSL support on-premise clusters?

VESSL provides a set of scripts that help you install and manage Kubernetes clusters using k0s on your on-premise resources. By using these scripts, you can register clusters and utilize VESSL’s powerful MLOps features on your computing resources.

How can I get token from the control plane node again?

You can create a new token by running the following command on the control plane node:

sudo k0s token create

Do we need CRI (docker or containerd) for Kubernetes?

k0s contains the required CRI for the Kubernetes cluster, so you don’t need to install it directly. For more information, you can find it here.

Bootstrap script failed when setting the node

If the bootstrap script fails during node setup, verify the network configuration and ensure all prerequisites are met. Check the logs for specific error messages to diagnose the issue.

Bootstrap script succeeded, but k8s pods are failed

If the bootstrap script succeeds but Kubernetes pods fail, check the pod logs for errors. Common issues include network misconfigurations, insufficient resources, or missing dependencies.

How can I uninstall k0s?

To uninstall k0s, follow these steps:


Stop and Reset k0s

sudo k0s stop
sudo k0s reset

Reboot the instance

sudo reboot

Manual Removal (if needed)

If the k0s stop or k0s reset command hangs, manually remove the k0s components:

systemctl stop k0scontroller                  # k0sworker for worker nodes
systemctl disable k0scontroller               # k0sworker for worker nodes
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl reset-failed

rm /etc/systemd/system/k0scontroller.service  # k0sworker.service for worker nodes
rm -rf /run/k0s
rm -rf /var/lib/k0s
rm -rf /opt/vessl/k0s

rm /etc/k0s/containerd.toml
touch /etc/k0s/containerd.toml

rm /usr/local/bin/k0s
ip link delete vxlan.calico

How can I allocate static IP to nodes?

To allocate static IPs to nodes, modify the bootstrap script as follows:


Download the bootstrap script

curl -sSLf >
chmod +x

Modify the script

In the run_k0s_controller_daemon() function, add --enable-k0s-cloud-provider=true:

sudo $K0S_EXECUTABLE install controller -c $K0S_CONFIG_PATH/k0s.yaml \
    ${no_taint_option:+"--no-taints"} \
    --enable-worker \
    --enable-k0s-cloud-provider=true \    ## Add argument here

In the run_k0s_worker_daemon() function, add --enable-cloud-provider=true:

sudo $K0S_EXECUTABLE install worker -c $K0S_CONFIG_PATH/k0s.yaml \
    --enable-cloud-provider=true \    ## Add argument here

Run the modified bootstrap script

Execute the script on all controller nodes and worker nodes.


Annotate nodes with static IP

On the control plane node, run the following command:

k0s kubectl annotate \
node <node> \<external IP>

For more detailed information, refer to the k0s documentation.

How can I remove the VESSL cluster from the organization?

If you need to delete the on-premise cluster due to issues or because it is no longer needed, follow these steps:


Stop k0s services on all nodes

sudo k0s stop
sudo k0s reset
sudo reboot

Delete the cluster from the Web UI

Navigate to the Web UI and delete the created cluster from the organization.


Detele the cluster from the CLI (if needed)

You can also delete the cluster using the CLI. Execute the following command:

vessl cluster delete <cluster-name>

Replace cluster-name with the name of the cluster you wish to delete.

The Network Interface has changed. What do we do?

If your network interface or IP address changes, you need to reset and reconfigure k0s.


Reset k0s

sudo k0s stop
sudo k0s reset

Reconfigure k0s

If the control plane’s network interface changes, you must reconfigure the control plane and all worker nodes.


Reboot the instance

    sudo reboot

After resetting, follow the setup instructions again to re-establish the network configuration for both control plane and worker nodes.



If you encounter issues while setting up the on-premise cluster or while using an already set up on-premise cluster, you can get assistance from VESSL Flare. Click the link below to learn how to use VESSL Flare:


Collects all of the node’s configuration and writes them to an archive file.


For additional support, you have the following options:

  • General Support: Use Hubspot or send an email to
  • Professional Support: If you require professional support, contact for a dedicated support channel.