Under the runs page, you can view the details of each run such as run status, summary, logs, plots, and files.

Terminate and reproduce

After run you can terminate ongoing runs or reproduce completed ones. Terminating a run will stop it immediately, while reproducing a run will create a new instance with the same configuration.

Run status

Run status shows current status of your workload.

TypeDescriptionActions / Implications
PendingThe initial status when a run is created; waiting for the node to be ready.No actions performed; awaiting resource allocation.
InitializingThe run is preparing to start; involves pulling container images and setting up import volumes of code, dataset, or model.Resources are being consumed for preparation; credit is charged.
RunningThe run is actively executing the specified start commands in the specified working directories.The main execution phase; credit is charged.
StoppingThe run is finalizing; involves uploading data in the export volumes and completing final tasks before concluding.Transition phase before completion; awaiting to be killed.
CompletedThe run has finished successfully, having executed all commands and finalized all tasks.Final status indicating success; no further action required.
FailedThe run has encountered an error and did not complete successfully.Check the logs tab for error details; indicates a need for troubleshooting.
IdleThe run is paused after execution due to enabled termination protection.No active execution; credit is charged.
TerminatedThe run was forcefully stopped by the user at any point, except when in final statuses (Completed or Failed).Final status indicating user intervention; occurs if the user forces termination of the run.
To track the progress of your runs, use vessl.progress. VESSL will calculate the remaining running time, which you can view by hovering over the status mark.

Run Terminal

If you activate the Terminal, you can SSH access the container through a web terminal. You can directly attach the SSH terminal to a run process or open a new shell.

Attaching to a run process

By attaching SSH directly to a run process, you can view the same logs displayed on the web console under the Logs tab. You can take various commands such as interrupting the process.

Creating a new shell

Opening a new SSH terminal allows you to navigate the container to see where the datasets or projects are mounted.

Reproducing runs

One of the great features of VESSL is that all runs can be reproduced. VESSL keeps track of all run configurations including the dataset snapshot and source code version. and allows you to reproduce any run with just a single click. You can reproduce runs either on the Web Console or through VESSL CLI.

Terminating runs

You can stop a run, which means you can terminate a run that is currently in progress.