Manage API keys in Provisioned Mode

You can secure your endpoint with API keys in Provisioned Mode and manage (add or change) them through the UI or CLI.

Using web console

You can add an API key using a VESSL secret. You can either use an existing generic secret or create a new one. To learn more about secrets, please refer to the Add secrets documentation.

You can use existing generic secret or create a new one. To learn more about secrets, please refer to the Add secrets documentation.

Using CLI

You can add api key using VESSL secret with the following command.

vessl service set-access-token --service=[service-name] [--secret=[secret]]


$ vessl service set-access-token --service=my-first-service
[?] How do you want to set access token?: By linking an existing secret
 > By linking an existing secret
   By creating a new secret and linking it
[?] Select a secret to link as the access token: MY_SECRET