An Organization is a shared workspace where you can create projects, datasets, experiments, and services. In VESSL, an organization can consist of one or more Tenant Organizations, which can be created by an organization manager with the appropriate permissions.
- What is a Tenant Organization? A tenant organization is the smallest unit within an organization that has been granted access to cluster resources by the main organization. By creating multiple tenant organizations, the main organization can separate tasks based on their specific requirements.
Take a quick tour to learn how to search for and create an organization using the demo below.
Once you’ve signed up, you can establish an organization in a chosen region and invite teammates to collaborate. For more detailed information, please move on to the Settings section.
Managing Organization on web console
Once you entered an organization, you can navigate to other organizations by clicking your profile on the top left corner. If you wish to create a new organization, go back to the organization page by clicking the VESSL logo.