
Run vessl workspace --help to view the list of commands, or vessl workspace [COMMAND] --help to view individual command instructions.

Create a workspace

vessl workspace create [OPTIONS] NAME
NAMEworkspace name
-c, --clusterCluster name (must be specified before other options)
--nodeCluster nodes. Defaults to all nodes in cluster.
-r, --resourceResource type to run an experiment (for managed cluster only)
--processor-typeCPU or GPU (for custom cluster only)
--cpu-limitNumber of vCPUs (for custom cluster only)
--memory-limitMemory limit in GiB (for custom cluster only)
--gpu-typeGPU type (for custom cluster only) ex. Tesla-K80
--gpu-limitNumber of GPU cores (for custom cluster only)
-i, --image-urlKernel docker image URL ex. vessl/kernels:py36.full-cpu
--max-hoursMaximum number of hours to run workspace. Defaults to 24.
--dataset (multiple)Dataset mounts in the form of [mount_path]:[dataset_name] ex. <code>—dataset /input:mnist`
--upload-local-file (multiple)Upload local file. Format: [local_path] or [local_path]:[remote_path].ex. `—upload-local-file my-project:/root/my-project“
--root-volume-sizeRoot volume size (defaults to 100Gi)
-p, --port (multiple)Format: [expose_type] [port] [name], ex. -p 'tcp 22 ssh'. Jupyter and SSH ports exist by default.
--init-scriptCustom init script

Connect to a running workspace

vessl workspace ssh [OPTIONS]
—key-pathSSH private key path

Connect to workspaces via VSCode Remote-SSH

vessl workspace vscode [OPTIONS]
—key-pathSSH private key path
$ vessl workspace vscode
Updated '/Users/johndoe/.ssh/config'.

Backup the home directory of the workspace

Create a zip file at /tmp/workspace-backup.zip and uploads the backup to VESSL server.

You should run this command inside a running workspace.
vessl workspace backup
$ vessl workspace backup
Successfully uploaded 1 out of 1 file(s).

Restore workspace home directory from a backup.

Download the zip file to /tmp/workspace-backup.zip and extract to /root/.

You should run this command inside a running workspace.
vessl workspace restore
$ vessl workspace restore
[?] Select workspace: rash-uncle (backup created 13 minutes ago)
 > rash-uncle (backup created 13 minutes ago)
   hazel-saver (backup created 2 days ago)

Successfully downloaded 1 out of 1 file(s).

List all workspaces

vessl workspace list

View information on the workspace

vessl workspace read ID
IDWorkspace ID

View logs of the workspace container

vessl workspace logs ID
IDWorkspace ID
--tailNumber of lines to display from the end (defaults to 200)

Start a workspace container

vessl workspace start ID
IDWorkspace ID

Stop a workspace container

vessl workspace stop ID
IDWorkspace ID

Terminate a workspace container

vessl workspace terminate ID
IDWorkspace ID