Setup a VESSL environment

vessl configure [OPTIONS]
-t, --access-tokenAccess token used for authorization
-o, --organizationDefault organization
-p, --projectDefault project
-f, --credentials-filePath to file containing configuration data
--renew-tokenRenew access token

Change the default organization

Set the default organization so that you do not enter the organization every time you execute the vessl command.

vessl configure organization [ORGANIZATION]
ORGANIZATIONNew default organization

Change the default project

Set the default organization so that you do not enter the project every time you execute the vessl command.

vessl configure project [PROJECT]
PROJECTNew default project

View the current configuration

vessl configure list

Configuration Precedence

You can configure your VESSL environment in multiple ways. Here is a list of ways, in order of precedence.

  1. Command line arguments / options: -o , -p options and ORGANIZATION , PROJECT arguments.
  2. Credentials file option: -f , a path to a file containing configuration data.
  4. Credentials file environment variable: VESSL_CREDENTIALS_FILE .
  5. Default credentials file: a configuration file maintained by VESSL located at ~/.vessl/config .
The --renew-token flag for vessl configure will take precedence over other methods and renew your access token.